How to make buttons clickable through other objects above them

I have an odd scenario where I have a transparent button that covers the entire screen, but I have a few buttons that I’d like to be able to click through the big one. I cant put them above the transparent button because they need to be part of a larger object and I dont want ALL of the larger object to block clicking of the main transparent button. Is there a way to give the smaller, lower down buttons priority over the transparent one above? Alternately, perhaps its possible to put the larger object on top of the transparent button but have clicks pass through it everywhere except on the smaller buttons?

Thank you!

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I was able to solve this problem by putting the larger objects on top of the transparent button, and then adding a CanvasGroup to them with Blocks Raycasts turned off, then adding CanvasGroups with Blocks Raycasts turned ON to the smaller buttons, and also enabling Ignore Parent Groups. Essentially I’m now clicking THROUGH the larger objects to the transparent button everywhere except where the smaller buttons are. Just what I needed.