First, there is game that use camera shaking effect when using some skills.
And also, how to make camera moving effect when some condition fulfilled?
Like this camera video (super street fighter 4)
First, there is game that use camera shaking effect when using some skills.
And also, how to make camera moving effect when some condition fulfilled?
Like this camera video (super street fighter 4)
The answer depends on the exact effects you want. Generally, games like that use camera overshoot to create the impression of a heavy impact. The camera essentially points briefly to where the object would be if the collision hadn’t stopped it. (See this video for an example of this effect in animation.) A physics-controlled camera can usually be set up quite easily to accentuate collisions like this.
You can move the camera around the players however you like, but how you do it will be different for each effect. For example, orbiting around a central point can be done with transform.RotateAround or physically by pointing the camera at the target and applying a sideways force each frame. If you can pin down exactly which effect you want, it is usually quite straightforward to implement.
Thanks for reply.
I just want now, camera shaking when using some big skills,
And camera move work (broad range of move work:rotate,move,zoom-out,etc) reference or commands or methods.