How to make changes to all instances of a certain prefab

Hey! I’m searching for a good and performant way to make changes to all instances of a certain prefab in my game.

I know I could just save all of them into a List or Array when instantiating them and then cycle trough them but in my specific case I have 100+ of these instances and the change is happening whenever I zoom the camera in and out. Is there any way that would allow me to just make changes (like changing transparency for example) to all of these instances when the camera zoom script function triggers?

I thought of something like getting all of these instances via tags but, like I said, I would like this to be as performant as possible.

You’re in luck. Normally you would have some architecting todo if you want to make changes to large groups if instances. Fortunately, it seems you just want to change the transparency. Transparency is determined by the material which should already be shared between all the instances of a prefab. So just change the transparency of the material and you should be good.