How to make circular ground

Instead of having a rectangular plane as my ground, I’d like to make a circle (or a cylinder). Unfortunately, the collider on the cylinder doesn’t seem to work for this.

How can I make a piece of circular ground?

Kinda similar to this question:

Unity doesn’t come with a flat circle-top 3D collider. Here are the details:

If you look at Component->Physics, you’ll see Box, Sphere, Capsule, Mesh (and others.) A capsule is a cylinder with a rounded top and bottom. It turns out those first three are easy to make using only math. There’s no fast easy math way to make a flat-top cylinder collider.

A Mesh collider is any shape that you make yourself, import, and then use for a collider. You have to use them for a triangle, 3D circle … . Lots of places to read about them.

So, the answer is that the built-in cylinder starts with the capsule collider, since that’s the closest one to it’s shape. If that’s not good enough, just remove it and add whatever collider(s) you like.

no, take a sphere, set scale y to 0.01 and replace the standard collider with a mesh collider. done.

The ChatGPT answer is wrong, don’t just post stuff from it please

To create a circular plane in Unity 3D, you can use a combination of a 3D mesh and a circular collider. Here are the steps:

  1. Create a 3D plane mesh: In the Assets window, right-click and select “Create > 3D Object > Plane.” This will create a new plane mesh asset in your project.

  2. Create a circular shape for the plane: You can create a circular shape by modifying the plane mesh. Select the plane in the Scene window, and then in the Inspector window, click on the gear icon next to the “Mesh Filter” component and select “Edit Mesh.” This will open the mesh editor, where you can modify the vertices of the plane to create a circular shape.

  3. Add the mesh to the scene: In the Scene window, drag the modified plane mesh from the Assets window to the scene. You can position and scale the mesh as needed.

  4. Add a 3D collider: With the circular mesh selected, click the “Add Component” button in the Inspector window and select “Physics > Mesh Collider.” This will add a mesh collider to the mesh.

  5. Adjust the collider size: In the Inspector window, you can adjust the size and position of the collider to match the size and position of the mesh.

  6. Set the collider as a trigger: If you want the circular plane to act as a trigger for events, such as detecting when objects enter or exit the circular area, you can set the collider as a trigger. To do this, check the “Is Trigger” box in the Inspector window.

  7. Add materials and textures: With the circular plane set up, you can add materials and textures to make it look like a real circular plane.

That’s it! You now have a circular plane in Unity 3D.

Source: ChatGPT