Hello everyone! I’ve trying to investigate this but most of the tutorials are useless and not specific. I’m a Starter in Unity, so I’m still learning about this.
I’m making a 2D level in Top Down which is a character searching for “Keys” in a lot of Rooms connected by Corridors.
The effect I’m searching for is “simple”: the player goes through the corridor and if passes near/presses an specific key, the door opens and the room is visible, while the corridor is darker. When player abandons the rooms, it hides again and the corridor is visible again. also, the player has a little spotlight around and a flashlight which iluminates where its pointing.
How I can make this possible? I know this effect was in a lot of 2D games but I cant remember anyone which uses this.
I’ve struggling in my head how to make this possible: making the room isActive by Animator, making triggers, using DOTween plugin to make the animations smoother, etc… But I don’t exactly how to create this, and also create the Door animation and script as described before.
Any suggestions, scripts, plugins or explanations are welcome. Thank you!
Also, I’m using “Edgar” plugin to create the rooms and Tilemaps with automatic collisions.
If you think tutorials are useless, imagine how useless this little text box is!
Honestly, it just sounds like you’re using tutorials incorrectly.
You WILL NOT find something that does 100% of what you want. That’s not a thing.
Instead you will find parts, and you learn the parts and you integrate.
Everything above is covered in tutorials, from using trigger areas to cause doors to open, trigger areas to notice that you’ve entered a room, and setting active ( turning on) elements (such as the room)
Two steps to tutorials and / or example code:
- do them perfectly, to the letter (zero typos, including punctuation and capitalization)
- stop and understand each step to understand what is going on.
If you go past anything that you don’t understand, then you’re just mimicking what you saw without actually learning, essentially wasting your own time. It’s only two steps. Don’t skip either step.
Imphenzia: How Did I Learn To Make Games:
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I didn’t said all the tutorials are useless, I said most of them doesnt not fit similar or a little of what I am looking for.
If I asked this in a forum, sorry but I dont need a “manthra” of “how to be a good videogame desginer”, what I needed is ideas and solutions, its simple.
And what I gave you above is the process to find ideas and solutions. It’s simple.
After all, if it was already done and finished and waiting, why would you need to do it too?
If you’re mainly looking for highlight/darkening, maybe try materials with some kind of Emission, which you can turn on and off. This would prevent needing to use lights with aiming etc. I guess it depends on what look you’re going for.
Every door could be a trigger (if it’s a prefab you can add it). If it’s part of “Edgar” I’m not familiar, but you might be able to customize that part.