How to make dynamic Light through transparent texture?
I saw this demo.
Does anyone know how to achieve this effect using Unity?
I want to make it on mobile platform also.
How to make dynamic Light through transparent texture?
I saw this demo.
Does anyone know how to achieve this effect using Unity?
I want to make it on mobile platform also.
You could use a light cookie (only pixel light) to achieve an effect like this. Only greyscale cookies are supported though.
Attached you find an example scene in which I tried to copy this star effect.
600376–21335–$lightcookie.unitypackage (58.7 KB)
or you could use a coloured additive projector.
Thank you so much.
But it looks like the light isn’t filtered by texture. So light from ball is same as light from point light.
Thanks. I’ll learn more about additive projector.
you should do project a cube map according to ball angle.
Or, if you dont want a projector, you should write a shader that projects a cube map additively on the surrounding objects.
@BIG BUG: Sorry.It really work. Yesterday I import it to iOS project.
But I reimport it to PC project and change build to iOS, then it’s work.
Thanks a lot.
@Aubergine: Thanks