How to make fan-shaped leaves

Taking duck footed wood as an example, I will upload a picture.
The leaves of duckfoot wood are located at the top of the branches, but each leaf appears to be of different sizes (taking my picture as an example). The size of the leaves looks more like a fan shape gradually increasing, and then this effect is achieved.
I have tried many ways but have not found the answer. If you could help me, I would be very grateful

Hi. Try setting up variations with these settings and tweak the two lower settings.

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Another option

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@Georginium has a similar approach to what I would do.

One thing I’d suggest using the “Round” preset for the “% of parent” spine setting. That way, you get an even fan from the “bottom” to the “top” of the set of leaflets. You can also use “start angle” to help control the overlap of the leaves and avoid intersections. The video will do a better job of explaining :slight_smile:

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