How To Make FPS Hitter Arc

in FPS Games
There Is Arc Tell You From Where You Got Hitted
I Actually i don’t know what its called
But here picture

alt text

i what to know what the name of that thing
and how i can make it in Unity3D


You need 2 sets of codes to make this work:

  1. Calculating the angle
  2. Rotating a texture

Part 1: Calculating the angle

You need to gain access to these 2 information ( you need to figure this out yourself ):

  1. Your world position ( transform.position )
  2. The shooter’s world position

You can then use Vector2.Angle to calculate the angle of the shooter relative to the player

float angle = Vector2.Angle( 
   new Vector2( ... ),
   new Vector2( ... ) );

Part 2: Rotating a texture

Using the angle you get from the previous calculation, use it to rotate a texture in OnGUI().

A solution is posted here at Unity’s Answer. It is the answer with lots of upvotes, but it is not the answer accepted by the question poster.