how to make games for xbox one?

I want to make a game (for personal use) for xbox one (xbox live not needed) but there is too much information out there and at the same time not enough information. Essentially I want a clear answer with as much detail as possible for making a game for xbox one.,I am interested in making a basic game (for personal use only) for my xbox one (no xbox live needed) but there is way too little information and at the same time too much information. Essentially I have no idea what to do at all.

Any clear answers would be extremely useful and as many details in said answers would be appreciated.

Well, since Unity is a easy-to-use multi-platform Engine, it won’t be that hard for even an ultra-newbie (zero offense) for making a game for an xbox.

In fact, you can build to multiple platforms from a Single Project, and the only things that stand between them are usually the problems such as differences in Screen Resolution, differences in Control Processing Codes, AND the lack of Available Processor Resources, where the Optimization process comes in.

And almost all of these are related to the ‘Project Settings’ and only some parts of the Code, and not the Game itself. (well, it actually is, especially to the design perspective)

So, First, Make a Game.

There’s no matter whether it is directed for PC or xbox.

All you need is a One Complete Project.

And then STILL you can tinker with its controls, by looking for documentation, asking people, and following tutorials.

This is by far the best description of the whole process I think: How to Build a Unity Game to Xbox One [Ultimate Guide - From Start to Finish] - YouTube

Finally, if you don’t know whether an information will help you or not, just read them, learn them, master them. Just believe that they will somehow help you out in the future, and keep making what you want to make. Learning anything is far much better than nothing.

The rest is up to you.