I’m trying to make a pressure plate maze/ boobie trap in my level. I’m only focused on getting the static pressure plates to work. When the player walks on a static pressure plate, it translates up to a new position and stays there. The only problem is that all the static pressure plates are in an empty GameObject (because I don’t want to assign them in the inspector one by one ).
How would it be possible to assign the OnTriggerEnter function to each individual child so that when the player moves on one of them, only one moves up and then when the player moves onto another, the other moves up as well and so on?
I’ve also been struggling to get them to actually move up, but all I need is a kick in the right direction for that (I’m looking for a smooth up transition, not an instant one).
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class PlayerTriggers : MonoBehaviour {
public Camera mainCam;
public GameObject player;
//PressurePlateStatic is a parent GameObject with the actual pressure plates as children
public GameObject PressurePlatesStatic;
private float speed = 2f;
void OnTriggerEnter (Collider other)
//Each trap pressure plate is tagged "PressurePlate_Trap, the parent is Untagged
if (other.gameObject.tag == "PressurePlate_Trap")
//If player steps on a trap pressure plate, it re-activates gravity, all pressure plates fall
//Each static pressure plate is tagged "PressurePlate_Static, the parent is Untagged
if (other.gameObject.tag == "PressurePlate_Static")
Debug.Log("stepped on pressure plate");
//If player steps on a static pressure plate, it translates "up" and remains in its new position
PressurePlatesStatic.transform.Translate(Vector3.up * speed * Time.deltaTime);