i have a mesh with perlin noise that i followed from a brackeys tutorial and i need the mesh to be able to generate seamlessly and infinitly. is there anyway i can do that with a single mesh.
if it is not possible is there another way i can use with perlin noise that will infinitly generate in chunks…
here is my code:
public class MeshGenerator : MonoBehaviour
Mesh mesh;
Vector3[] vertices;
int[] triangles;
public int xSize = 20;
public int zSize = 20;
public float noiseScale = 0.3f;
public float noiseHeight = 2f;
void Start()
mesh = new Mesh();
GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh = mesh;
void Update()
void CreateShape()
vertices = new Vector3[(xSize + 1) * (zSize + 1)];
for (int i = 0, z = 0; z <= zSize; z++)
for (int x = 0; x <= xSize; x++)
float y = Mathf.PerlinNoise(x * noiseScale, z * noiseScale) * noiseHeight;
vertices *= new Vector3(x, y, z);*
triangles = new int[xSize * zSize * 6];
int vert = 0;
int tris = 0;
for (int z = 0; z < zSize; z++)
for (int x = 0; x < xSize; x++)
triangles[tris + 0] = vert + 0;
triangles[tris + 1] = vert + xSize + 1;
triangles[tris + 2] = vert + 1;
triangles[tris + 3] = vert + 1;
triangles[tris + 4] = vert + xSize + 1;
triangles[tris + 5] = vert + xSize + 2;
tris += 6;
void UpdateMesh()
mesh.vertices = vertices;
mesh.triangles = triangles;