How to make intersecting alpha-mapped quads render properly?

I want to intersect two alpha-mapped quads similar to what I’ve seen being done in billboard grass. But when I try it seems to draw one quad completely and then the other…
I’ve tried all of the depth write and depth test options in shader graph.

It renders properly if I create four quads as four separate objects that meet up in the middle rather than intersecting:
When those four quads are part of the same mesh they don’t render properly anymore even if I put a gap between them:
Is there a better solution than having four quads as separate objects?

Your object is not actually transparent, so it should be using a cutout material so it can write so depth and not just be sorted by object center

I got it working - in the shader graph I just set it to “opaque” (rather than transparent) and “alpha clipping”
The alpha boundary is no longer smooth but that’s ok for what I want to do.