I’ve noticed that as I add more vertexes to a Line Renderer line the line twists and stops being a smooth line.
All lines are on the same z level, even if I remove the materials the lines still seem to twist.
I have no idea why it does this, or how to go about resolving it, any suggestions?
I realize this post is old, but if anyone else was trolling around the internet for a solution to this, I also found one by playing around with the LineRenderer settings that doesn’t involve all this scripting.
When I did this, I was running Unity 2017.3.1f1 making a 2D game. Just go to the Alignment dropdown on the Line Renderer’s settings and choose Local. This will stop the line from rotating around to match positions in space, and therefore it should appear flat the whole time.
This seems a normal behaviour of line renderer.
You may use GLdraw or Graphic DrawMesh (manually creating mesh or gldraw at runtime)
GlDraw may have some occlusion problems, so you can create a dynamic mesh and draw that.