How to make music play always without duplicates?

I have some problem. I wanted to make my audio clip play always between the scenes. So i created a Gameobject, atached a audio sorce, and script
public bool Always;
public GameObject music;

void Awake () 
	if (Always)

It works good, but…
The game starts from first scene, then if i move to another scene music is playing. But when i go back to first scene , my gameobject is still not destroyed and music is playing.But it appears a new the same gameobject with this audiosource and there are two audioclips playing at the same moment.
Every time when i am going back to first scene new gameobject with audiosource appears and starts playing.

How can i avoid this?

public class MusicPlay : MonoBehaviour
public static MusicPlay musicplay;
public bool Always;
public Gameobject music;

void Awake()
if (musicplay == null)
musicplay = this;
else if (musicplay != this)

sorry I can only answer once, so had to delete my old answer, and I lost the code you last submitted.
Still need know why you need it to be a bool and where you set the true/false value of the bool.
else it’s hard to help/ understand

I think the best way here is to make your music container a singleton.

See here for an explanation on singleton patterns in Unity: Loading...