How to make my bosses weak points more obvious?

When playtesting, no one really knew how to defeat this boss. The way you’re supposed to do it is by shooting the crystals to stun him. What can I do to make this more apparent?

make it obvious that nothing is happening if you don’t hit the crystals, and make it very obvious something is happening when you hit the crystals. do this however you like. particle systems, audio cues, lighting changes, etc. showing that nothing is happening is harder, as your cues could make them think that something IS happening. not sure what kind of game this is, but an initital thought is maybe bullets being deflected or something. (visually only of course.) something that shows your projectile can’t break the armor.


Thanks, what I ended up doing is

  • Making bullets that hit the bosses body play a deflect sfx and a little spark particle appears.
  • Making shooting the crystals do damage and lower the bosses health bar.
  • Made it so when you shoot the crystals there’s sounds and particles that come out.