How to make object rotation animation

Hello, i know this is silly but i can’t figure it out. I want to make “Looking up” animation for the player, everything is great but there is a problem with 1 leg, i need it to rotate from Z328 to Z28, basically it does it but not the way i want.

I want it to rotate from Z328 to Z329, Z330… and go till Z360 and then from Z0 go up to Z28, it does it the opposite way so the leg rotates through the ground.

Is there a way to do this without scripting? :smile: I tried to make the Z328 to Z-32 but it still stayed at Z328 and the same goes for Z28, i tried to make it to Z388 but it went back to Z28 as well… Any way to do this? Thank you.

P.S. English isn’t my main language.

is this an animation? I mean with an animator and stuff or what, because that’s what I think you meant
If this is an animation, then you’re at the wrong thread, and you can solve it by simply looking at the “curves” tab inside the animator, and simply flipping it aound

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Yes it’s animation, sorry, posted in wrong forum… Thank you.