I want to make several objects transparent according to the position to the main camera. Any help please?
I want to make several objects transparent according to the position to the main camera. Any help please?
There are countless ways to do that, could you be more specific about what you’re trying to do?
Either have a single custom material that gets its opacity from vertex colors and multiple meshes for each object, with their transparency set in the vertex colors, and go through the list of all the objects to calculate their distance ( if dist < d1; else if dist < d2; else if… etc.) turn on the renderer for that model and turn the other ones off, OR you could have multiple materials with different transparency levels, do the same thing to find what range the distance is in, and assign the appropriate material.
Neither way will get you a smooth continuous fade, but if you have more than a few semi-transparent objects you are trying to do that with you will probably have to sacrifice something for performance.