Hi I am looking to make orbital gravity so I can make a platformer like Super Mario Galaxy.
I already have some code I tried to make work but I don’t know what to look for when making this.
I have a setup with a physical sphere, a sphere trigger zone and a gravity point.
Also I have a character (which is a ball driven by physics) and 3 script’s I made myself.
1 for movement, 1 for the camera and 1 for the gravity rotation of the controlls and camera.
I hope any of you can help me with this.
I will post my code of my planet and my character movement here.
If you need any more info, let me know:
Planet point gravity
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class PointGravity_Script : MonoBehaviour
//Gravity point
public GameObject gravityPoint;
//PointGravity's gravity
public float gravitySpeed;
//Affected object detector
public float GAObect;
//Gravity affected objects detector
private GameObject[] GAObects;
private void OnCollisionEnter(Collision colA)
if (colA.gameObject.tag == "PlayerBall")
GAObect = 1;
colA.gameObject.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().useGravity = false;
private void OnCollisionStay(Collision colB)
if (colB.gameObject.tag == "PlayerBall")
colB.gameObject.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().AddForce((gravityPoint.transform.position - colB.gameObject.transform.position).normalized * gravitySpeed);
private void OnCollisionExit(Collision colC)
if (colC.gameObject.tag == "PlayerBall")
GAObect = 0;
colC.gameObject.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().useGravity = true;
Character movement
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class BallController_Script : MonoBehaviour {
//*Rigidbody to use
private Rigidbody body;
public float bodyZspeed;
public float bodyXspeed;
//Player input
private float moveXinput = 0;
private float moveYinput = 0;
private bool jumpInput = false;
//*Gravitation alteration variables
//Used for rotation
private float grafDirectionY = 0;
private float grafDirectionX = 0;
private float grafDirectionZ = 0;
//Variables used for normalization of rotation's grafDirection (Normalization means the vectors axis are set to a scale of 0 to 1 where 1 is all the axis combined)
private float grafDirection100Percent = 0;
private float grafDirection1Percent = 0;
//Used for jump (Jump does use negative values)
private Vector3 grafDirection;
//*Targeted objects
public Transform CameraPivot;
public Transform PlayerCamera;
public Transform GravityPivot;
//*Move by rotation variables
public float accelerationSpeed = 0f;
public float decelerationSpeed = 0f;
//*Air movement
public float airAccelerationSpeed = 0f;
//Max velocity
public float maxAirVelocity = 0f;
//Temporary Vector
private Vector3 tempVector;
//Air moveInput
private float airMoveXinput = 0;
private float airMoveYinput = 0;
//*Jump variables
//The force wich is added overtime to jump
public float jumpForce = 0f;
//Some extra force used for opposite graf velocity
public float jumpForceExtra = 0f;
//How long the jump script will respond to Player input
public float jumpTimeMax = 0f;
//Used to reset jumpForce
private float jumpForceBaseMemo = 0f;
//How long the jump script is active
private float jumpTime = 0f;
//Used to block jump script
private bool jumpNo = false;
//*Collision variables
//Stores the value of the last normal the object touches when it collided with a ground label object
public Vector3 normal;
//Used to store the angle betwean the up direction of gravity and the last touched normal
public float normalAngle;
//A variable used to see if the object is colliding with a ground label object
public float Colide = 0;
//Determines when the object may jump
private bool onGround = false;
//Delays the time the object isn't touching the ground (According to the offGround variable)
public float offGroundDelay = 0;
//Stores how long the object was actually off the ground before onGround is turned off
private float offGroundTime = 0;
//Stops the offGround script from looping
private bool alreadyOffGround = true;
void Start()
//Stores the start value of jumpForce
jumpForceBaseMemo = jumpForce;
void Update()
//*Set's rigidbody to use
body = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
bodyZspeed = body.velocity.z;
bodyXspeed = body.velocity.x;
//*Gets gravity direction
//Gets my GravityPivot script
GravityPivot_Script gravityPivot_Script = GravityPivot.GetComponent<GravityPivot_Script>();
//GrafDirection jump
grafDirection = gravityPivot_Script.grafDirection;
//GrafDirection rotation
grafDirectionY = gravityPivot_Script.grafDirection.y;
grafDirectionX = gravityPivot_Script.grafDirection.x;
grafDirectionZ = gravityPivot_Script.grafDirection.z;
//*Move by rotation
//Get move input
moveXinput = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
moveYinput = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
//Get camera axis
Vector3 CamF = PlayerCamera.forward;
Vector3 CamR = PlayerCamera.right;
//Inverts grafDirection if negative (I don't need to make a diffrence in up and down the camera axis will determine that)
grafDirectionY = (grafDirectionY < 0) ? grafDirectionY * -1 : grafDirectionY;
grafDirectionX = (grafDirectionX < 0) ? grafDirectionX * -1 : grafDirectionX;
grafDirectionZ = (grafDirectionY < 0) ? grafDirectionZ * -1 : grafDirectionZ;
//Normalizes grafDirection vector (Normalization means the vectors axis are set to a scale of 0 to 1 where 1 is all the axis combined)
//determines what is value graph direction is as a whole
grafDirection100Percent = grafDirectionY + grafDirectionX + grafDirectionZ;
//calculates the smallest value in 0 to 1 form
grafDirection1Percent = 1 / grafDirection100Percent;
//calculates what percentage a grafDirection is compared to 100% in 0 to 1 form
grafDirectionY = grafDirectionY * grafDirection1Percent;
grafDirectionX = grafDirectionX * grafDirection1Percent;
grafDirectionZ = grafDirectionZ * grafDirection1Percent;
//turns 0 to 1 in 1 to 0 (This is to calculate how much a Cam vector axis is turned on)
grafDirectionY = grafDirectionY * -1 + 1;
grafDirectionX = grafDirectionX * -1 + 1;
grafDirectionZ = grafDirectionZ * -1 + 1;
//Turns a Cam vector axis on or off depending on the grafDirection (The axis that is in the same direction as the grafDirection is turned off)
CamF.y *= grafDirectionY;
CamR.y *= grafDirectionY;
CamF.x *= grafDirectionX;
CamR.x *= grafDirectionX;
CamF.z *= grafDirectionZ;
CamR.z *= grafDirectionZ;
//Normalizes the Cam vector's (Normalization means the vectors axis are set to a scale of 0 to 1 where 1 is all the axis combined)
CamF = CamF.normalized;
CamR = CamR.normalized;
//Checks if object is onGround and gets no move(X/Y)input and then if so it decreases the rotation speed
if (moveXinput == 0 && moveYinput == 0)
if (onGround)
body.AddTorque(-body.angularVelocity * decelerationSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
else //else it will add rotation force allong the camera axis (With the one that is in the grafDirection's direction turned off ofcourse)
body.AddTorque(CamR * moveYinput * accelerationSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
body.AddTorque(CamF * moveXinput * -1 * accelerationSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
//*Air movement
if (moveXinput != 0 || moveYinput != 0)
if (maxAirVelocity > CamF.x * body.velocity.x && maxAirVelocity > CamF.y * body.velocity.y && maxAirVelocity > CamF.z * body.velocity.z && moveYinput > 0)
airMoveXinput = moveXinput;
airMoveYinput = moveYinput;
airMoveXinput = (airMoveXinput < 0) ? airMoveXinput * -1 : airMoveXinput;
airMoveYinput = (airMoveYinput < 0) ? airMoveYinput * -1 : airMoveYinput;
airMoveXinput = airMoveXinput * -1 + 1;
airMoveYinput = airMoveYinput * -1 + 1;
body.AddForce(CamF * moveYinput * airMoveXinput * airAccelerationSpeed * Time.deltaTime, ForceMode.Impulse);
if (maxAirVelocity > CamF.x * body.velocity.x * -1 && maxAirVelocity > CamF.y * body.velocity.y * -1 && maxAirVelocity > CamF.z * body.velocity.z * -1 && moveYinput < 0)
airMoveXinput = moveXinput;
airMoveYinput = moveYinput;
airMoveXinput = (airMoveXinput < 0) ? airMoveXinput * -1 : airMoveXinput;
airMoveYinput = (airMoveYinput < 0) ? airMoveYinput * -1 : airMoveYinput;
airMoveXinput = airMoveXinput * -1 + 1;
airMoveYinput = airMoveYinput * -1 + 1;
body.AddForce(CamF * moveYinput * airMoveXinput * airAccelerationSpeed * Time.deltaTime, ForceMode.Impulse);
if (maxAirVelocity > CamR.x * body.velocity.x && maxAirVelocity > CamR.y * body.velocity.y && maxAirVelocity > CamR.z * body.velocity.z && moveXinput > 0)
airMoveXinput = moveXinput;
airMoveYinput = moveYinput;
airMoveXinput = (airMoveXinput < 0) ? airMoveXinput * -1 : airMoveXinput;
airMoveYinput = (airMoveYinput < 0) ? airMoveYinput * -1 : airMoveYinput;
airMoveXinput = airMoveXinput * -1 + 1;
airMoveYinput = airMoveYinput * -1 + 1;
body.AddForce(CamR * moveXinput * airMoveYinput * airAccelerationSpeed * Time.deltaTime, ForceMode.Impulse);
if (maxAirVelocity > CamR.x * body.velocity.x * -1 && maxAirVelocity > CamR.y * body.velocity.y * -1 && maxAirVelocity > CamR.z * body.velocity.z * -1 && moveXinput < 0)
airMoveXinput = moveXinput;
airMoveYinput = moveYinput;
airMoveXinput = (airMoveXinput < 0) ? airMoveXinput * -1 : airMoveXinput;
airMoveYinput = (airMoveYinput < 0) ? airMoveYinput * -1 : airMoveYinput;
airMoveXinput = airMoveXinput * -1 + 1;
airMoveYinput = airMoveYinput * -1 + 1;
body.AddForce(CamR * moveXinput * airMoveYinput * airAccelerationSpeed * Time.deltaTime, ForceMode.Impulse);
//Get jumpInput
jumpInput = Input.GetButton("Jump");
//Checks if jump is not pressed and if object is not onGround; if so turns jump off
if (!jumpInput && !onGround)
jumpNo = true;
//Jump script
if (!jumpNo) //blocks jump script if necessary
if (jumpInput) //checks if jump is pressed
if (jumpTime < jumpTimeMax) //checks if jumpTime has not run out
jumpTime += Time.deltaTime; //adds pased time to jumpTime
grafDirection = grafDirection.normalized * -1; //normalizes and inverts grafDirection (The jump direction is opposite to the gravity's direction of course)
normal = normal.normalized; //normalizes normal (Normalization means the vectors axis are set to a scale of 0 to 1 where 1 is all the axis combined + the normal vector got normalized lol)
normalAngle = Vector3.Angle(grafDirection, normal); //calculates the angel betwean grafDirection and the normal (This is used to gradually turn on and off the scale of the grafDirection and the normal's influence)
if (normalAngle <= 90) //determines wether normalAngle is greater than 90 or not (Past 90 it reverses the efect of normal + grafDirection)
body.AddForce(grafDirection * normalAngle * jumpForceExtra * jumpForce * Time.deltaTime); //adds force in the grafDirection's direction (grafDirection scales up when the normalAngle becomes greater)(Uses jumpForceExtra to upscale the force since it has to fight gravity midair)
body.AddForce(normal * (-normalAngle + 180) * jumpForce * Time.deltaTime); //adds force in the normal direction (The normal variable scales down when the normalAngle becomes greater)
body.AddForce(grafDirection * (-normalAngle + 180) * jumpForceExtra * jumpForce * Time.deltaTime); //adds force in the grafDirection's direction (grafDirection scales up when the normalAngle becomes greater)(Uses jumpForceExtra to upscale the force since it has to fight gravity midair)
body.AddForce(normal * normalAngle * jumpForce * Time.deltaTime); //adds force in the normal direction (The normal variable scales down when the normalAngle becomes greater)
if (offGroundTime > 0)
offGroundTime -= Time.deltaTime;
alreadyOffGround = false;
if (!alreadyOffGround)
onGround = false;
alreadyOffGround = true;
if (onGround)
jumpForce = jumpForceBaseMemo;
jumpTime = 0f;
jumpNo = false;
private void OnCollisionStay(Collision colA)
if (colA.collider.tag == "Ground")
Colide = 1;
onGround = true;
normal = colA.contacts[0].normal;
private void OnCollisionExit(Collision colB)
Colide = 0;
if (colB.collider.tag == "Ground")
offGroundTime = offGroundDelay;