Hi, I’m new to UI-Toolkit and the EditorTools/Overlay API, and I find it hard to use instead of IMGUI.
I’m trying to make an Overlay that shows up when you select a certain component. I want the overlay to update dynamically when tweaking some parameters on the component.
This component allocates a RenderTexture with multiple slice;
- I want the image shown on the overlay to update when the Render Texture is updated
- I want to have a slider that can display any slice in the Render Texture.
I can’t find any way to set an Image, source texture’s slice, and I can’t figure out how to change the Image reference when the component gets refreshed.
Here’s what I have now:
[EditorTool("GI Tool", typeof(GIManager)), Icon("d_debug")]
public class GITool : EditorTool
[Overlay(displayName = "GI Debug Overlay", defaultDisplay = true), Icon("LightProbeProxyVolume Gizmo")]
class GIOverlay : Overlay
internal GIManager _manager;
public override VisualElement CreatePanelContent()
var root = new VisualElement();
var tabView = new TabView();
var tab1 = new Tab("Radiance");
var tab2 = new Tab("Visibility");
if(_manager != null)
tab1.Add(new UnityEngine.UIElements.Image()
image = _manager.RadianceTexture,
tab2.Add(new UnityEngine.UIElements.Image()
image = _manager.RadianceTexture,
root.Add(new Label("No GI Manager Selected"));
return root;
GIOverlay _overlay;
public override void OnActivated()
SceneView.AddOverlayToActiveView(_overlay = new GIOverlay() { _manager = target as GIManager });
public override void OnWillBeDeactivated()