How to make Post-Build scripts and find xcode and build folders


I am trying to automate my MacOS build in a way that the codesigning and .pkg is done in the cloud. I figured that the post-build script is probably the way to go, but I have some questions…

1.Would that (code sign and pkg generation) be possible in the cloud?

  1. How do I access the Build and Xcode folders via this script, can I get any of the paths via parameters (like $1) or is there any hardcoded path that the build will always go to?


Hey! I’m looking for a solution to find the build folder as well. I’m generating a WebGL game and need to inject some html into the final build right after it finishes building. Via Cloud Build, I know I can supply a post-build script, and I just want to find that path, and inject my HTML.

UPDATE: After searching around I came across this as the path:


As you can see here:

I was able to figure out the org_id, project_id, and build_target_id in the build logs.