How exactly would I go about making a procedural-generated infinite world in the same vain as Minecraft? Are there any store assets designed to do this? Because I’ve seen plenty for procedural terrain generation but not much for endless world-space generation.
Is there anything out there I could use to populate the generated landscape with npcs or creatures? What about anything for dungeon/cave or settlement generation?
If you google “procedural generation” you will find lots of information about it. It’s a big topic.
But the basic idea is simple: you divide the world into chunks, and you use a repeatable generation algorithm (e.g. based on Perlin noise) to generate chunks that are guaranteed to mesh neatly with neighboring chunks. Then you just generate these on an as-needed basis as the player moves around.
Oh cool! I believe I’ve heard more about that as well. Are there any good assets anywhere that can help with this? I’m aware of stuff like Gaia, but I’m not sure of anything that helps with procedural noise generation.
Basically you need to learn how to spatial hash, how to translate those hash in unique random number, then use that to seed a generator using layered paramters.
Or you could get Map Magic on the Asset Store (V2 out soon) and if you need a Minecraft type world team it up with Voxeland. Also there are a number of voxel terrain generators on the Asset store, and quite a few free on GitHub.