How to make rain

I’m trying to make it rain in my game. but im have no clue how to do it. so if someone can help me that would be good.(If you can put up some files that would be much appreceated)


in this form there is rain package try it may help in your project. Previously in have downloaded a unity rain package it was working fine i am not remembering now the link just Google as unity rain package you will get some built in rain pacakage

I guess you’ll need to use particles, with an extra large ellipsoid, constante force gravity like (0,-9.81,0), and a mask looking like a vertical ovale.

attach your rain particle to your first person camera and it will follow you where you go instead of using a thousand particles all over the place and im pretty sure it will work for a third person camera also just find your rain particle and drag it to your first or third person camera underneath the hierarchy hope this is helpful