How to make random control script/display.

Ok, so I am currently developing this complex game controller for a basic 2d runner platform that I am making on unity and there are a few functions I want to include that I am not quite sure how to go about completing.

First, I want to attach multiple keys to the jump control. In other words, in order to jump, rather than just pressing the letter w, I want the player to have to press the letters w, s, and d at the same time or in sequential order for the action to be processed. That does not mean that w, s, or d can be pressed to jump, but that they have to all be pressed in order or simultaneously, almost like a pattern of keys producing a function rather then one key.

Next, I want to somehow create a script or line of code that can randomize the series of controls every time you die out of a list of 11 keys. So, I want to make something that is able to choose from a list of keyboard keys, such as a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,w,s,d, and assign it to the jump control. So the first play through jump is w,s,d. But the second play through jump is a,d,b for instance.

Last. I want the set of random controls to be displayed for a few seconds at the beginning of each new game. After the so called script randomly assigns 3 keys, such as w, s ,d, to the jump control, I want to be able to display to the player what those controls are as he starts the game.

I know all of this sounds quite ridiculous and I’m not sure if it is a lot to ask for, but I just thought someone might be able to help out with what I am doing in this forum.

Also, I am just using basic unity assets for the time being. So the character control scripts(2 different scripts being Platformer2DUserControl.cs/PlatformerCharacter2D.cs) are as follows:

//Platformer2DUserControl.cs :

using UnityEngine;
using UnitySampleAssets.CrossPlatformInput;

namespace UnitySampleAssets._2D

    [RequireComponent(typeof (PlatformerCharacter2D))]
    public class Platformer2DUserControl : MonoBehaviour
        private PlatformerCharacter2D character;
        private bool jump;

        private void Awake()
            character = GetComponent<PlatformerCharacter2D>();

        private void Update()
            // Read the jump input in Update so button presses aren't missed.
            jump = CrossPlatformInputManager.GetButtonDown("Jump");

        private void FixedUpdate()
            // Read the inputs.
            //bool crouch = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftControl);
            //float h = CrossPlatformInputManager.GetAxis("Horizontal");
            // Pass all parameters to the character control script.
			//character.Move(h, crouch, jump);
			character.Move(1, false, jump);
            jump = false;


using UnityEngine;

namespace UnitySampleAssets._2D

    public class PlatformerCharacter2D : MonoBehaviour
        private bool facingRight = true; // For determining which way the player is currently facing.

        [SerializeField] private float maxSpeed = 10f; // The fastest the player can travel in the x axis.
        [SerializeField] private float jumpForce = 400f; // Amount of force added when the player jumps.	

        [Range(0, 1)] [SerializeField] private float crouchSpeed = .36f;
                                                     // Amount of maxSpeed applied to crouching movement. 1 = 100%

        [SerializeField] private bool airControl = false; // Whether or not a player can steer while jumping;
        [SerializeField] private LayerMask whatIsGround; // A mask determining what is ground to the character

        private Transform groundCheck; // A position marking where to check if the player is grounded.
        private float groundedRadius = .2f; // Radius of the overlap circle to determine if grounded
        private bool grounded = false; // Whether or not the player is grounded.
        private Transform ceilingCheck; // A position marking where to check for ceilings
        private float ceilingRadius = .01f; // Radius of the overlap circle to determine if the player can stand up
        private Animator anim; // Reference to the player's animator component.

		bool doubleJump = false;

        private void Awake()
            // Setting up references.
            groundCheck = transform.Find("GroundCheck");
            ceilingCheck = transform.Find("CeilingCheck");
            anim = GetComponent<Animator>();

        private void FixedUpdate()
            // The player is grounded if a circlecast to the groundcheck position hits anything designated as ground
            grounded = Physics2D.OverlapCircle(groundCheck.position, groundedRadius, whatIsGround);
            anim.SetBool("Ground", grounded);

            // Set the vertical animation
            anim.SetFloat("vSpeed", GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().velocity.y);

			if (grounded)
				doubleJump = false;

        public void Move(float move, bool crouch, bool jump)

            // If crouching, check to see if the character can stand up
            if (!crouch && anim.GetBool("Crouch"))
                // If the character has a ceiling preventing them from standing up, keep them crouching
                if (Physics2D.OverlapCircle(ceilingCheck.position, ceilingRadius, whatIsGround))
                    crouch = true;

            // Set whether or not the character is crouching in the animator
            anim.SetBool("Crouch", crouch);

            //only control the player if grounded or airControl is turned on
            if (grounded || airControl)
                // Reduce the speed if crouching by the crouchSpeed multiplier
                move = (crouch ? move*crouchSpeed : move);

                // The Speed animator parameter is set to the absolute value of the horizontal input.
                anim.SetFloat("Speed", Mathf.Abs(move));

                // Move the character
                GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().velocity = new Vector2(move*maxSpeed, GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().velocity.y);

                // If the input is moving the player right and the player is facing left...
                if (move > 0 && !facingRight)
                    // ... flip the player.
                    // Otherwise if the input is moving the player left and the player is facing right...
                else if (move < 0 && facingRight)
                    // ... flip the player.
            // If the player should jump...
			//if ((grounded || !doubleJump) && jump && anim.GetBool("Ground"))
            if ((grounded || !doubleJump) && jump)
                // Add a vertical force to the player.
                grounded = false;
                anim.SetBool("Ground", false);

				GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().velocity = new Vector2(GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().velocity.x, 0);

                GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().AddForce(new Vector2(0f, jumpForce));

					doubleJump = true;

        private void Flip()
            // Switch the way the player is labelled as facing.
            facingRight = !facingRight;

            // Multiply the player's x local scale by -1.
            Vector3 theScale = transform.localScale;
            theScale.x *= -1;
            transform.localScale = theScale;

Thanks so much.

what i can think of :

Dictionary<KeyCode,bool> randKeys = new Dictionary<KeyCode,bool>();
List<KeyCode> keyPool = new List<KeyCode>(11);

Awake() {
    //Fillup your list here
    //etc... for all the keys you want

public void Update() {
    foreach(KeyValuePair<KeyCode,bool> kvp in randKeys) {
        if(Input.GetKeyDown(kvp.key)&&CheckOrderValidity()) kvp.value = true;

    bool allKeysArePressed = randKeys.Count>0;
    foreach(KeyValuePair<KeyCode,bool> kvp in randKeys) {
        if(!kvp.value) {
            allKeysArePressed = false;


SelectRandomKeys(int numberOfKeysToUse = 3) {
    for(int i=0;i<numberOfKeysToUse;i++){
        int randIndex = Random.Range(0,10);

So, this is probably a question that should be on the forums rather than on Answers, as it’s a bit too open ended, but here goes:

What you’re looking for is a pattern matching system. On startup, select the keys you want to be the correct sequence at random. Then, you feed it to a custom pattern matcher.

private static KeyCode[] possibleKeys = { KeyCode.A, KeyCode.B, KeyCode.C, ... }
private KeyCode[] sequence;

private PatternMatcher matcher;

void Start() {
    sequence = new KeyCode[3]; //or however long you want your sequences to be
    for(int i = 0; i < sequence.Lenght; i++) {
        sequence *= possibleKeys[Random.Range(0, possibleKeys.Length)];*

matcher = new PatternMatcher(sequence);
The pattern matcher needs to accept KeyCode inputs against it’s starting sequence. This is roughly how it should work:
public class PatternMatcher {
private KeyCode[] pattern;
private int lastCorrectIndex;
public PatternMatcher(KeyCode[] pattern) {
this.pattern = pattern;
lastCorrectIndex = -1;
public bool MatchKey(KeyCode nextKeyCode) {
if (MatchesAtIndex(nextKeyCode, lastCorrectIndex + 1))
lastCorrectIndex = -1;
if (lastCorrectIndex == pattern.Length - 1) {
//Entire pattern matched
lastCorrectIndex = -1;
return true;
return false;
private bool MatchesAtIndex(KeyCode nextKeyCode, int index) {
try {
return pattern[index] == nextKeyCode;
catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) {
return false;
Then you can simply feed the matcher input, and call jump if it returns true:
void Update() {
foreach(KeyCode code in possibleKeys) {
if(Input.GetKeyDown(code)) {
if(matcher.MatchKey(code)) {
That’s not a complete solution, but it should probably get you started in the correct direction.