How to make scrollview panels without showing scrollbars?

I want to make a slideable (Spelling is correct?) panel without showing any scrollbars in Unity UI. It’s the type of slideable panels where the user would drag with the mouse left, right, up, or down, where the scrollbars will not show up or appear when the panels are moving.

It’s like the slideable menu taskbar in Blender, where the user would hold down the mouse wheel to pan the taskbar left or right. The menu taskbar is located where you would choose your mesh’s Material or do some World properties setting modifications, usually located on the user’s right hand side. That taskbar doesn’t have any scrollbars, and I liked for that simplicity to be in the Unity UI.

If Unity UI doesn’t support slideable panels without scrollbars showing up, is there a way I can make the scrollbar be as thin as possible? Around 1 to 2 pixels thick (tall for horizontal, wide for vertical)?


The ScrollView will give you that. If you want a more applied way of implementing it, then check out the 3 ScrollSnap controls in the UI Extensions project (link in sig)

Yes, but the scrollview requires a scrollbar in order to slide the panel, and I don’t want the scrollbar.

Nope. The ScrollView also works with touch and scrollwheel. But check the ScrollSnap controls for other examples

I’m confused. There’s a setting where you can turn off ScrollBars?

No, you simply don’t attach them. Or if you have them, simply delete the scrollbar and remove the reference in the inspector. Works fine without them.


That did the trick. Thanks.


You know what’s weird. In the current Unity (jan 2016), it appears IT DOES NOT SHOW the scrollbars

So, by default it shows no scrollbars (indeed oddly, I can’t get them to appear! strange)

I wanted no-scrollbars, so that is fine :slight_smile:

That worked perfectly! Thanks!

i found that disabling the Image component on the the scroll bars worked for me, they still scroll but the scroll bars are invisible, if nothing else works

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Changing all scroll bar colors to transparent worked for me :slight_smile:

wow. none of these worked for me lol

just add a canvas group and put alpha to 0

This worked for me as well. Thanks!