How to make something happen when an object isn't active

Is there a way to trigger something to happen when an object is inactive? For example, if I wanted it so then when I click on an object, it goes inactive (that I can already do). Then I want a level to load after it isn’t active (I can’t do that). I am trying to do this with two different scripts; one to make the object inactive and one to load the level. Here is the script that loads the level:

var object : GameObject;

function Update(){
	if(object.SetActive == false){

Inactive objects do not get Update() messages. But inactive object do get Invoke() and InvokeRepeating() messages. So you can use either of these to check the active state at some future date.

I’m unclear about what you are doing here. If an inactive object triggers a new level, why not load the level in the code that makes this inactive instead?