How to make test report in Unity Test Tools work with Jenkins

Hi there,

I have been trying out the new Unity Test Tools and I really like it. I have come across a small problem where the test results are output in a format that Jenkins doesn’t understand.

Jenkins doesn’t recognize the xml report because it thinks the xml is not formatted in a junit format that jenkins understand:

alt text

I validated the outputted xml for my tests against the junit.xsd format used by jenkins and it shows that the output is not a valid junit xml format.

alt text

P.S: I’m using Unity 4.5.3f, Unity Test Tools 1.4 and Jenkins 1.576

P.P.S: I would really appreciate any help as I’m currently stuck at this step (getting Jenkins to parse xml results generated from unity test tools).

As Unity Test Tools are using NUnit to run the tests and build the reports, you should use
NUnit plugin for Jenkins to build the reports.