How to make the Main Camera switch targets during gameplay

I’ve been messing around with Camera2DFollow in the new 2D Sample Assets Unity put on the Asset Store and I’m trying to make the camera switch focus to the ball after the robot sprite touches it. Any advice would be appreciated.

public class Camera2DFollow : MonoBehaviour {
	public Transform target;
	public float damping = 1;
	public float lookAheadFactor = -5;
	public float lookAheadReturnSpeed = 0.1f;
	public float lookAheadMoveThreshold = 0.5f;
	public Transform newTarget;
	float offsetZ;
	Vector3 lastTargetPosition;
	Vector3 currentVelocity;
	Vector3 lookAheadPos;
	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {
		lastTargetPosition = target.position;
		offsetZ = (transform.position - target.position).z;
		transform.parent = null;
//		newTarget = GameObject.Find("AsteroidSprite");
	// Update is called once per frame
	void Update () {
		// only update lookahead pos if accelerating or changed direction
		float xMoveDelta = (target.position - lastTargetPosition).x;

	    bool updateLookAheadTarget = Mathf.Abs(xMoveDelta) > lookAheadMoveThreshold;

		if (updateLookAheadTarget) {
			lookAheadPos = lookAheadFactor * Vector3.right * Mathf.Sign(xMoveDelta);
		} else {
			lookAheadPos = Vector3.MoveTowards(lookAheadPos,, Time.deltaTime * lookAheadReturnSpeed);	
		Vector3 aheadTargetPos = target.position + lookAheadPos + Vector3.forward * offsetZ;
		Vector3 newPos = Vector3.SmoothDamp(transform.position, aheadTargetPos, ref currentVelocity, damping);
		transform.position = newPos;
		lastTargetPosition = target.position;		

	void switchTarget(){
		if(target.collider2D == newTarget.collider2D){
			target = newTarget;

If you are using Camera Parenting to move camera with the objects, then you can switch the Camera parents, so basically removing camera from old object and then adding to new object, therefore now having a new parent and following that parents movement.

good link: How to change parent at run time? - Unity Answers