How to make the ModelImporter NOT to play automatically animations ?

I am trying to import my animations automatically with the post processor. I found all the detailed goodies in the manual and the forums, except the ability to disable autoplay. Something like ModelImporter.PleaseDoNotPlayAnimationsAutomatically Seriously now... the "animation.playAutomatically = false;" doesn't work neither the "ModelImporter.animation.playAutomatically = false;" How should I find my root gameObject and tell it not to autoplay animations from the editor?

Any ideas or suggestions? thanks.

        using UnityEngine;
        using UnityEditor;
        using System.Collections;

            public class AnimationPostProcessor : AssetPostprocessor
                void OnPreprocessModel()

                    ModelImporter modelImporter = assetImporter as ModelImporter;
                   modelImporter.globalScale = 1 ; 

                   if (assetPath.Contains("animdoor")){

                                    modelImporter.splitAnimations = true;

                        modelImporter.generateAnimations = ModelImporterGenerateAnimations.InRoot;

                        // Set the number of animations here
                        int numAnimations = 2;
                        ModelImporterClipAnimation[] animations = new ModelImporterClipAnimation[numAnimations];

                        animations[0] = SetClipAnimation("dooropen", 0, 50, false);
                        // Add your new animation splits here, simply changing the arguments
            animations[1] = SetClipAnimation("doorshuts", 50, 100, false);
                        // Add your new animation splits here, simply changing the arguments

                        // Assign the clips to the model importer to automagically do your splits
                        modelImporter.clipAnimations = animations;
///   animation.PleaseDontPlayAutomatically = true;????


                private ModelImporterClipAnimation SetClipAnimation(string name, int firstFrame, int lastFrame, bool loop)
                    ModelImporterClipAnimation mica = new ModelImporterClipAnimation();
           = name;
                    mica.firstFrame = firstFrame;
                    mica.lastFrame = lastFrame;
                    mica.loop = loop;
///   animation.PleaseDontPlayAutomatically = true;????
                    return mica;


Instead of using the preprocess hook to setup import settings, you could use the postprocessor, to modify the hierarhcy of gameobjects & components (including the animationcomponent that you're interested in) that has been generated by the import process.

It works like this:

  • unity imports a model
  • unity gives you a change to change it
  • unity saves the imported results to disk