I have tried many ways to get it,but still get nowhere。one problem is like this-
void Update () {
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)){
flappy; (bird rotate by 30 degree)
fall; (bird rotate by -45 degree)
But I can only see the bird fall cause one click cost too few time to finish the flappy motion;
And another question is I’m using Hinge Joint to make the motion;also I’ve used the Animator and etc,none of them is satisfy. I think there is a good method that I don’t know
Hi Sinyuk,
Here is a link of tutorial that could help you.
and here is another link of complete prototype controller of Flappy bird game.
the easiest way to replicate flappy bird would be to use a rigidbody for your character, and add a force (Rigidbody.AddForce) every time you clixck. That causes an upward burst of force that will make it go up, and then start falling back down with gravity.