I see that world up override is inside cinemachine brain. But I have two camera behaviours.
One is topdown camera with a small yaw (around world Z axis) and looking at target. it has world up override.
The second one should not have a world up override. it looks forward and can yaw too(around world y axis)
I want to blend between theese cameras. If I use World Up Override - First camera works weird cause I am looking topdown (it starts rotating 180)
If I dont use World Up Override - Second camera works weird.
So how to have two cameras with and withoun World Up Override? How to blend between such cameras?
You can try making a custom extension for the vcam that needs a custom up override. Just set the state.ReferenceUp in the Body stage of the PostPipelineStageCallback.
thanks for replying so quickly even though i took so long to notice it!
i’m seeing different behavior between the override you can assign via the brain inspector and override done in the script like above. this is with CM 2.9.0-pre.6 and Unity 2023.1.0a17. i zipped up the scripts, scene, and materials (URP) if you want to drop this into a project and try it yourself. it may be worth observing this in the scene view as well - the freelook doesn’t follow the rig gizmos for some of the binding modes when overriding the up direction via script. besides testing different binding modes and adjusting the orbit size of each rig slightly, the inspector for this freelook was default values.