How to make underlay bolder?

I need to set very bold underlay for some text as on the next image.

But dilate option value of underlay setting of the font material is constrainted by 1.


Could you tell me pls, how to make underlay bolder than it is now?

11. How can I increase the range of text effects like dilation, outline, and underlay?
The range of these effects is determined by the padding used when creating the font atlas. The larger the padding, the larger the effect range. Of course more padding means less room for character data. So there is a trade-off between character quality and effect range. Use the smallest padding that works for you. Note that the padding is specified in pixels, so if you double the texture size you also have to double the padding to keep the same range. See here and here for more details. See the following updated video about Font Asset Creation which provides information about padding and how it affects material properties and their range.

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