How to make Unity NOT execute a piece of code

Here’s my code:

public Transform[] SpawnPoints;
public float spawnTime = 1.5f;
public GameObject[] coins;
public float nocount;

void SpawnCoins()
	nocount += 1;

	if (nocount = 3)

	int spawnIndex = Random.Range (0, SpawnPoints.Length);

	int objectIndex = Random.Range (0, coins.Length);

	Instantiate (coins[objectIndex], SpawnPoints [spawnIndex].position, SpawnPoints [spawnIndex].rotation); 
void Start()
	InvokeRepeating ("SpawnCoins", spawnTime, spawnTime);
	nocount = 0;

I would like to know how to make it so that when the nocount variable is 3, the method (I hope I used this word correctly) does NOT proceed with executing the instantiate code.

if(nocount == 3)

Could be a personal preference, but I always hate using returns.
I’d place it all within the if statement.

     if (nocount < 3)
     int spawnIndex = Random.Range (0, SpawnPoints.Length);
     int objectIndex = Random.Range (0, coins.Length);
     Instantiate (coins[objectIndex], SpawnPoints [spawnIndex].position, SpawnPoints [spawnIndex].rotation); 