How to make Unity2D check assigned object(image)?

Hello,i’m new to unity and i want to make a kids math puzzle game for my FYP. My idea, there were a question (image) and the answer box is an empty box which user will drag the correct answer(image) from the inventory to the box. Each level have 3 question and 1 star per question if correctly answer (like angry bird). Then, user will click on the check button. At this point, the game will check whether the answer (image) is assign correctly to the box. So my problem is, i don’t know how to make the the check answer script and how to make the star as the marks for each level. Can anyone help me? Below is how my idea look like :

  1. First level:

  2. After click the check button :

Make the answer images have a script which stores their correct placement in the empty boxes.

[0] ← this would be the image with 3

[1] ← this would be the image with 2

[2] ← this would be the image with 4

When the player check, you just compare the number stored in the script, with the number that is on the box.

Example script

public class AnswerImage: MonoBehaviour {
       public int correctPosition = 0;

You can set these values in the inspector or when you instantiate the answer images.