I am making a 2D fighting game for a class, and I am having issues trying to achieve the affect that I want in Unity.
The affect I want to do is have the Update function wait X amount of time for my AI to decide what to do, after waiting the AI will fire off it’s choice and I want the Update function to keep moving along like it was before it had to wait.
ex) I collide with the other player, and want to attack it. I need to wait X amount of time before firing off the attack command or else the AI will instantly win by firing off all the attack commands.
Is this possible? If so how?
I am using a state machine to figure out the AI logic (states are Attack, Evade, & Seek). The main function that calls the other state functions, doStateAction, is called initially by the Update function. I have tried using waitforseconds and startcoroutine, and I still can’t seem to get them to do what I want… I have placed them in the individual state functions and in the update function to no avail.
Please help!