How to make you're player move if respawn

Hello everybody, I’m currently developing a 2D Platformer Game, I’m 14 And I pretty much know how to program in C#, an a little bit in Unity C#. I’m trying to respawn the player by moving him from its current position to the SpawnPosition (wich is 0, 0, 0 as seen in the script here!), but it does’nt really work.

Can someone please help me with this code, because before I launch te Pre-Alpha of it, I wat the die and respawn system functioning :slight_smile:
Here’s the code

Without all the scripts, I am going to go ahead and guess. On your PlayerTransform.cs I see a public static Playertransform pt reference? I am assuming you have Player reference added here on the inspector.

On your DieAndRespawn you need to do pt.transform.position, also I don’t see anything to destroy Player Object. You might want to look at Unity - Scripting API: Object.Destroy