Hello, I’m working on a checkpoint feature in a platformer and I’m not sure how I can do the “restart everything in the scene but the player position/rotation which should be the one saved when getting the checkpoint”.
Can someone help ?
Thank you !
A GameManager is typically used to track progress.
Progress in this sense would be “start at checkpoint X instead of start of level.”
GameManager could also preserve the position and rotation of the player as they reach the checkpoint.
Reloading the scene is the fastest way to reset everything.
A GameManager is typically used to track progress.
Progress in this sense would be “start at checkpoint X instead of start of level.”
GameManager could also preserve the position and rotation of the player as they reach the checkpoint.
Reloading the scene is the fastest way to reset everything.
Ok so I already had that all setup. I just need to make it work like you said then.
Thanks for the reply !
Yep that worked, thanks !
How about having a black overlay to make the transition ? How can I make an overlay animation persist on scene reload ?
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Easiest is to put that loading blackness in the scene itself.
That lets you tell its controller to go dark at end and to go light when the level reloads.
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