How to manage multiple devices with OpenXR but also use platform-specific plugins?

Hello everybody

We are developing our app with Unity’s OpenXR plugin and thanks to this have Headset + Controllers work on Oculus Quests, HTC Vives, Varjo and many more. And it works just… Perfect!

We struggle though to understand what’s the difference between

  1. XR Loaders and XR vendor plugins (like the Oculus UnityXR loader and the Oculus Integration Package)
  2. Are they “cross-compatible”?
    So is e.g. the Oculus Integration Plugin compatible to the OpenXR loader by Unity (as the Oculus loader gets greyed out when we select OpenXR)?
  3. Will enabling a platform-specific plugin lead to problems when the app is run on another platform?
    E.g. enabling Oculus Integration but using the app with HTC Vice, will the Oculus plugin just be silent and not do anything?
  4. How do you deal with some platform integration requiring to set up their own Camera Rig, if you want to support more than 1 and also keep OpenXR compatibility with Unity?

I would love to know how you people are dealing with some of these…



shy bump