I want to be able to feed in a script and a game object into a method, then have the method find and cache a reference to a component on the game object that matches the type of the given script.
(goodness I hope I’ve used the right words, I’m still a baby programmer)
Any way this is what I have:
public Component thingToMatch;
public void ResolveActivity(GameObject character)
Type typeToMatch = thingToMatch.GetType();
Component componentToCache = character.GetComponentInChildren<typeToMatch>();
it objects to the last ‘type to match’ with: ‘typeToMatch’ is a variable but is used like a type. Can someone point me in the right direction?
PS: if it helps the goal here is to create a set of scriptable objects where I can point to one of a many scripts on a game object. Each script will only exist once, and (at the moment) all the classes I’m trying grab are child classes of the same parent.