How to move a child to the world vector 3 position?

I have something that is a child of the player and i want it to still be the child because it will make my game neater and i need it to stay at the global 0 position regardless of where the player is.

I feel so stupid i thank you guys for your help… the problem was i put it on a script that is most of the time disabled… wow… well thanks for your help anyway.


childobj.transform.position =

Do this? The docs say transform.position gives the world coordinates of the object.

I appreciate that you think you game structure will be ‘neater’ but using the Transform parent child relationship for organization that doesn’t mirror what the Transform actually represents is folly.

If you TRULY want to do this… then you need a new script called something like AlwaysAtOrigin and in its Update function just have the line “transform.position =;”