How to move a collider without moving the gameObject?

I’m working on a game, had to slowly teach myself whatever ins and outs of the engine I could. Now I’ve run into an issue and I have no clue how to fix it. And I haven’t seen anyone have a similar issue. Basically, everytime my character attacks, they fly across the screen. I’ve narrowed it down to collider and gameObject moving together. So, my question is, how can I move a collider to a spot I want it without moving the gameObject? I’m working with CircleCollider2D.

void MeleeAttack (int dmg, int shlddmg, float kbx, float kby, float spkbx, float spkby, float hbrad, float hbx, float hby) //Sets up attack properties
		HitCollider = gameObject.AddComponent<CircleCollider2D>();
		HitCollider.isTrigger = true;
		AtkDmg = dmg;
		ShldDmg = shlddmg;
		AtkKBy = kby;
		SpecialKBy = spkby;
		HitCollider.radius = hbrad;
		if (FaceDirection == "right") {
			AtkKBx = kbx;
			SpecialKBx = spkbx;
			HitCollider.transform.Translate (hbx, hby, 0);
		if (FaceDirection == "left") {
			AtkKBx = -kbx;
			SpecialKBx = -spkbx;
			HitCollider.transform.Translate (-hbx, hby, 0);

Since, I didn’t find any answers to that problem after searching for so long, I’ve come up with my own.
Attach the collider to a gameObject child to the gameObject with the collider attached to (for example, a blank image). And link them via inspector (ex: public gameObject collider). Now move that gameObject’s transform and et-voila (to flip the collider’s gameObject, use negative scale).