Hello, I’m making a 2D game where the player controls many characters by giving commands with the mouse. The scene is a cross section of a space ship (with multiple floors with stairs connecting them) with various character sprites on board. The spaceship moves around the screen, the sprites with it, of course. It doesn’t move a lot, mostly bobs around and changes pitch.
I want to be able to command crew by clicking buttons on the HUD. For Example, if the player clicks on a button that says “Abandon Ship”, then I want the characters to walk from wherever they are standing to the escape pod which will always be in the same place, relative to the ship.
I am able to find the Characters positions relative to the ship, but I can’t figure out how to get them there. If one is on the 3rd level of the ship and the escape pod is on the first level - I can’t get him to walk to the first set of stairs, descend, then to the next set of stairs, descend and then walk to the pod. See picture for more details
I’m an experience programmer but new to C#, Unity and graphical programming. Any help would be most appreciated. Thanks so much