How to move BoxCollider with animation?

Hi, what is happening is that I had set-up a character that jump when I added force to its rigidbody, but when I added the animation, the model goes higher than the box collider.
How could I make it so that the collider “follows” the model?

This is part of the code that I use for the jump:

public Animator Runner_Controller;

	private bool touchingPlatform;
	private Vector3 startPosition;
	void Start () {
		GameEventManager.GameStart += GameStart;
		GameEventManager.GameOver += GameOver;
		GameEventManager.GameWin += GameWin;
		startPosition = transform.localPosition;

	void Update () {
				rigidbody.AddForce(jumpVelocity, ForceMode.VelocityChange);
				touchingPlatform = false;

It sounds like you need to remove the translation keys from your animation.