Hey guys,
So what I am doing is an Android Game, where I have a player, who runs forward since the start of game. I do this with following code:
void Update () {
// Assign player to always go forward, continously
transform.position += transform.forward * Time.deltaTime * speed;
Now I would like to receive Touch Inputs from Android Devices and I only care (for now) about x direction (so left and right, based on where on the screen was touched).
I have found several answers here on Unity3D, but each of those I tried, did not have the effect I want to achieve (= so to continue running forward, but just moving the position to either left or right).
User should hold the finger to continue moving left or right… touching the screen only, should just move the player for a slight distance.
Any advice?
You can try something like this :
Vector3 deltaPosition = transform.forward * forwardSpeed;
if( Input.touchCount > 0 )
Vector3 touchPosition = Input.GetTouch( 0 ).position;
if ( touchPosition.x > Screen.width * 0.5f )
deltaPosition += transform.right * sideSpeed;
deltaPosition -= transform.right * sideSpeed;
transform.position += deltaPosition * Time.deltaTime ;
Hi. I’m also trying to android-ify my horizontal-movement-game… But can’t… (I’m a noob in unity and scripting btw). Since, this script is working, I would like to ask, do i have to define forward speed and also side speed as 2 different variables?? I desperately need help on this. I have attached the script i used to move my character using keyboard. Please help. Thanks in advance.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class BasicMovement : MonoBehaviour {
public Animator animator;
public float speed;
private void Start()
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
animator.SetFloat("Horizontal", Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"));
Vector3 horizontal = new Vector3(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"), 0.0f, 0.0f);
transform.position = transform.position + horizontal * speed * Time.deltaTime;