How to nest UI elements in empty game objects without breaking anchoring? (canvas grandchildren)

If my UI buttons are directly children of the canvas everything stays correctly anchored, no matter how I change the size of the screen in free aspect. My canvas settings are like so:

However if I create an empty game object( which by nature also has a rect transform ) for the sake of organization, and place the buttons as children of the empty game object, the anchoring breaks and only works well on the Y axis.

On the canvas scaler if i switch the slider for X, then they anchor correctly only on the X axis, with the slider on half its incorrect for both axis as both clip through the screen

I want to emphasize that my problem is only for objects that are grandchildren of the canvas

children of the canvas anchor perfectly both on X and Y

however grandchildren only anchor on either Y or X based on how the slider of my canvas scaler is set

Is there a simple fix for this?

i found the fix, set the anchor of the parent to full stretch