How to not mess up proportions every time in modeling?

Is there any least crutchy way or is the putting normal sized character and other reference stuff on the scene is the only way?

Would be nice to hear the fastest, crutchless both for Blockbench and Blender, if there is.
Also I often forget to apply the scale… Is it critical or not if its happened not on the parent object?

Maybe just looking at the sizes on right and set it to cm or mm can suffice, but I’m not that memorized any scales to rely on that robustly.

For own use can I just resize (and add 1,1,1 parent if the Reset button needed) it in the engine, or it is also no, no way that will ruin later?

This one is the last on the list how to do core things. Other are solved good enough.

(except non-pixel art, as its near impossible, in pixel art it is very hard to mess up, especially in 16x16 (though this one is very limited for some eyes and stuff, 32x32 is golden noob mode, 64x64 enough space to add any key elements)

Current quick Blockbench solution:
The preview (up right, 3 lines) - preview scene - player, is 1.88m, i checked it with stretched cube imported to Blender, so it is good enough to get the normal human height at least.

Old Blender solution (and kinda universal (Blockbench uses its own unknown size system) ):
Its rulers is awful (don’t even show cm’s when not in ruler mode) - use stretched cubes and their dimensions on right as rulers, you can even quick paint on it what its size with any basic addon or vertex colors if subdivided or just write down the size to name in Outliner (Scene collection, also you can rename right in Object mode, no need to go to right)

sure, get a model slap it in, hide it later

tbh, that goes above my principles, but it seems there is no way to beat the modeling other way at this level, though i still wonder, why no one suggested blockbench, it is the perfect tool for mouse only use (though even with my skills is slower to the model process itself (not so hotkeyed as hell, etc), than Blender, excluding cube spam)

The only artists I know who can draw perfect proportions sans any form of reference have been drawing for decades.

Until then, using references is a perfectly normal, Art 101 thing to do.

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