How to obtain audio data?

I'm trying to record in a video images and sounds generated with unity. So far I have figured out how to get the video frames by rendering to a RenderTexture off-screen. However, it does not seem to be a similar mechanism for capturing audio data. I do not want to use external applications for recording, and I would prefer to record the audio data without actually using the speakers (say, I want to use an off-speaker buffer instead).

Therefore, I'm considering mixing the sounds myself. But then, I cannot find a way to obtain the sample data from AudioClips. Is there a way to do that?

No. But it's planned for Unity 3.0.

Not without using external plugins like fmod.

Sren, do you mean GetSpectrumData() and GetOutputData() in AudioListener? Or do you mean that 3.0 will also get sound recording (access to audio from microphone?)?