I have a glow post effect that is being applied to some weapons in my scene.
Unfortunately, the glow does not get occluded by foreground and background scene objects.
I was wondering if anyone knows of a way to fix this ?
I have some foreground and background objects (floor, 3 capsules, a wall) set to layer Default
I have 2 Weapons Set To Layer “Glow”. The weapons are sticking half way into the floor.
I have 3 Scene cameras:
Depth 0: Main Camera - Sees Default Layer - Clear Solid Color (Floor, capsule, wall)
Depth 1: Glow Camera - Sees Nothing - Don’t Clear (Renders Weapon Glow to RT, uses command buffer)
Depth 2: Weapon Camera - Sees Glow Layer - Don’t Clear (Renders Weapons on top of glow)
Every thing looks fine except the glow part which is not getting properly occluded.
I have included some sample pics for reference.
The camera’s in my scene render a depth texture.
The objects in my scene were using Unlit/Color and Unlit/Texture.
For testing, I had my glow post effect shader do a depth pass only.
I have some occlusion objects (cylinders) in my scene that I put in front of my weapons.
Unfortunately there was still no occlusion.
Then I changed the cylinder’s shader to “Legacy Shaders/VertexLit” and finally got occlusion!
I could finally see the cylinder pass in front of my weapons in the Depth pass.
For some reason, the shader “Unlit/Color” does not seem to write to the depth buffer (Even with ZWrite On!)
But the shader “Legacy Shaders/VertexLit” does. I got depth and occlusion with that shader.
It seems to have something to do with the ShadowCaster pass.
If I include a ShadowCaster pass to the Unlit shaders (color/texture), my effect works.
My question is, why did I have to add the shadow caster pass to Unlit/Color and Unlit/Texture to get depth and occlusion to work properly ?
Now I have a new problem. In the QualitySettings, if I set Anti Aliasing to Disabled, the camera that renders the weapon on top of the glow stops working and glitches badly. I can only see the glow part.
The glow effect only seems to work properly when Anti Aliasing is on.
Seems to have to do with the Camera AA Resolve - GrabRenderTexture op.
I need a way to get it to work without Anti Aliasing on. Appreciate any feedback you can give me.
MainCamera - Depth 0 - Clear Solid Color -
Sees Everything But Weapon Layer Objects. Renders Weapon Glow Effect.
WeaponCamera - Depth 1 - Don’t Clear -
Sees Only Weapon Layer Objects. Renders Weapon On Top Of Glow.
Workaround (Effect is working, even with Anti Alias off)
Main Camera - Depth 1, Don’t Clear, Culling Mask - All but Glow Layer Weapons.
Renders Weapon Glow To RT, composite with Blit(source, destination, compositeMaterial)
Weapon Camera - Depth 2, Don’t Clear, Culling Mask - Glow Layer Weapons
Renders Weapon on top of Glow.
After some more research, I discovered something unusual about Unity shaders
and that I DIDN’T need to add a ShadowCaster pass to the Unlit/Color, Unlit/Texture shaders to get the occlusion.
All I had to do to get the glow effect to properly occlude with scene objects was to add Fallback “Diffuse” to the Unlit shaders (Color,Texture).
And voila, I got proper occlusion using the Unlit shaders. I don’t know why it worked, but it did.
So, If you are trying to make a glow post effect, and can’t get occlusion on front and back scene objects,
try adding Fallback “Diffuse” to the scene object shaders.