I have been experimenting with active ragdolls and animation for a couple weeks here and have run into an issue I am curious as how to solve. I would very much appreciate anyone’s input on how I might go about doing this:
An example of what I am trying to do would be, say, a solder gets shot in the arm and his arm goes limp and interacts with physics like a ragdoll, but the rest of him is still able to animate and act normally.
In my project I have a standard humanoid character playing an animation. I also have it rigged up to have colliders, rigid bodies, and joints so that it can go into a ragdoll state. I know how to transition it from an animation to ragdoll and back again, but only with the entire armature. is it possible to select specific bones in the armature and have them go into ragdoll mode while the armature’s animation is still playing on the rest of the bones?
Is that possible to do with the same armature, or would I have to have some kind of more complex armature, like having a separate armature for each limb, to be able to do that?
Thanks for any help.