How to open the door of the elevator by pressing the button when entering the collider?

I want the script for the elevator door

In this script you can send a trigger to the animator when the gameObject named “ElevatorGameObject” is inside the collider and you press the keyboard letter “E”

 void Start()
     if(animator == null)
         animator = GetComponent<Animator>();
         if(animator == null)
             Debug.LogError("No animator component on this script!",gameObject);

 void OnTriggerEnter(Collider triggerInfo)

     if("ElevatorGameObjectName") && Input.GetKey(KeyCode.E)) 
        //open elevator door

 void OnTriggerExit(Collider triggerInfo) 
     // do something else when exit

We use the “triggerInfo” variable to store the trigger information so we can acces the gameObject properties, in this case we acces the name and compare it. we also use the “&&” operator as a condicion for also havin the letter E pressed

I would use something like this

void OnCollisionStay (Collions col)
        if (col.other == elevator)
                 if (Button pressed)
                //open elevator

so just if your player it colliding with the elevator and he presses the button it should open.
Note: This code isn’t perfect its just an exampe of how you could do it