I would like to open two instances of Unity…As i need to check on two different project settings…But unity not allowing me to open two instance and gives me a fatal error…
I checked on many ways suggested like opening Unity from Taskbar, or give the properties of Unity icon like ""C:\Program Files\Unity\Editor\Unity.exe"-.projectpath".
and in the dialog box, General tab, tick on the “Always show project wizard” check box.
note that you cannot open 2 instance of the same project, but you can run two different projects.
if you want to check a multiplayer game or something go with @Berenger’s solution by creating multiple instances, even there note that you should use different ports to connect for each exe.
These methods will all do what you are trying to do:
enable “Always show project wizard”, as @flamy proposed. will always open wizard.
use "C:\Program Files\Unity\Editor\Unity.exe" -projectPath to start your editor. will always open wizard.
to run different versions of Unity on corresponding projects of that version (which may be incompatible with other versions, for example 3.4/3.5), install the editor twice, in different locations. note you must always open your projects via the wizard then, to prevent Unity from trying to re-open your previous project and convert it (after a warning dialog).
after klicking the launcher icon, immediately keep the Alt key pressed (probably Meta on Mac?). will launch project wizard just this once.